WR Universal Attendance Messaging
School Office Hours are 7:30am. To 4:00pm. On School Days.
Email Absence or lates or appointments at wrattend@srvusd.net
School Office Hours are 7:30am. To 4:00pm. On School Days. Email Absence or lates or appointments at wrattend@srvusd.net ![]()
School Office Hours are 7:30am. To 4:00pm. On School Days.
Email Absence or lates or appointments at wrattend@srvusd.net
Attendance Codes
(Activity) - On campus activity, not in class(e.g., rally or with another teacher |
(Independent Study Complete) - IS contract completed |
ACT1 |
Day field trip/athletic trip within in 200 mi |
(Independent Study Not Complete) - IS contracts not yet completed |
ACT2 |
Trips in CA with overnight stay |
PBS (Present before suspension) - SECONDARY: Entered for all periods a student was in class prior to suspension but at school less than minimum day requirement for grades 6-12 (240 min) (No ADA) |
ACT3 |
Trips out of state with overnight stay |
PSUS (Partial Suspension) - ELEMENTARY: When a student was in class prior to suspension and at school for least minimum day requirement for grade level (K: 180 min, 1-3: 230 min, 4-5: 240 min) (ADA earned) |
(Admin/Counseling) - in counselor, nurse or admin office |
(Suspension) - Full day of suspension |
(Truant) - Absent without parent call, left class without permission, on campus but did not attend class |
(Tardy Unexcused) - Late arrival, not a valid reason |
(Early Dismissal Excused) - Leaving early, parent call, reason a valid excuse |
(Unexcused Absence) - Absent with parent call, reason is not a valid excuse |
(Early Dismissal Truant) - Leaving more than 30 min. early, reason is not a valid excuse |
VP |
(Verified Present) - Present for only one school period that day |
(Early Dismissal Unexcused) - Leaving early, reason is not a valid excuse |
VT |
(Verified Tardy) - Present for only one period that day and arrive Tardy |
(Excused Tardy) - Late arrival, parent call, reason is valid excuse |
(Tardy 30+ min) - Arriving 30+ min late, reason not a valid excuse |
(Excused Absence) - Absent with parent call, valid excuse |
(Home & Hospital Complete) - H/H instruction received per H/H teacher |
(Home & Hospital not complete) - H/H scheduled but not completed |
(Illness) - Absence due to illness (including medical appointments) |
(Illness with doctor’s note) - Absence due to illness with doctor’s note provided |
(In-House Suspension) - On-campus suspension |
San Ramon Valley Unified School District believes there is a direct relationship between consistent attendance and student success. Students with good attendance achieve higher grades, feel more connected to their school community, realize success, earn the necessary credits for graduation, and learn positive habits that will support future college and career readiness and success.
At (School name), all students are expected to attend all classes daily, and they are expected to arrive on time except for excused absences.
We define “on time” as being inside the classroom when the bell rings.
Attendance will be taken during each class period.
Students and Parents/Guardians should monitor their attendance through the Infinite Campus portal. If you need help with Infinite Campus logins, please contact portalhelp@srvusd.net.
BP/AR 5113
Regular school attendance is an important part of a student’s educational success, and in fact state law requires daily attendance at school. Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance, and poor attendance is associated with higher dropout rates and lower achievement in reading, math, and general knowledge.
Please see our attendance policies and procedures below. If you have any questions, please contact your school Attendance Office/Line at [customize].
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to communicate with the school Attendance Office for any full or partial day absences. The phone number for your student’s Attendance Line can be found [customize]
*Attendance Must Be Cleared Within two (2) school days (48 hours). All absences not cleared with the Attendance Office within two (2) days after a student’s return to school will be recorded as a CUT.
All absences must be reported to the school Attendance Office/Line, even if it does not meet the requirements for an excused absence. When leaving a message or providing a signed note/email, the parent/guardian should include:
Student’s full name (spell the last name) and grade
Reason for the absence (failure to provide reason results in absence marked as Unexcused)
Date(s) of the absence(s)
Parent/guardian name and relationship to the student
Student ID#
Please call the attendance line or email according to this chart:
Student’s First/ Last Name |
Attendance Secretary |
Phone Number |
Email Address |
To be updated |
Main line: 925-479-740024 hour attendance: 925-479-7470 |
wrattend@srvusd.net |
The following methods may be used to report or verify student absences:
Phone call, or signed written note from parent/guardian. Email from the parent/guardian is also acceptable.
Conversation, in person or by telephone, between the verifying employee and the student's parent/guardian. Voicemail on the attendance line is also acceptable.
Visit to the student's home by the verifying employee, or any other reasonable method which establishes the fact that the student was absent for the reasons stated.
Physician's verification.
When excusing students for confidential medical services or verifying such appointments, district staff shall not ask the purpose of such appointments, but may contact a medical office to confirm the time of the appointment.
When a student has accumulated 10 full-day excused, scattered absences in the school year as verified by methods listed in #1-3 above, subsequent full or partial day absences for illness or physician’s appointment shall require physician’s verification or to be excused by method of the district's chronic illness form.
Parents/guardians must contact the school Attendance Office/Line to report the student’s absence, providing the information listed above (Reporting an Absence). All absences must be reported within two (2) school days of the student’s return to school, or the absence will be marked as a CUT.
Students arriving late must have a parent/guardian contact the attendance line prior to the student arriving at school, giving the same information as above (Reporting an Absence) as well as the approximate time of arrival. Students must always sign in at the front office upon arrival before going to class.
Students whose late arrival results in missing one or more entire period(s) must have a parent/guardian call the attendance line to clear the absence within two (2) days, or it will be changed to as a CUT.
For students who need to leave class early, parents/guardians need to call the attendance line before 9:00 a.m. Please give the same information as listed above (Reporting an Absence) as well as the time the student will be leaving campus. Please know that picking up a student during break, lunch, or during a campus event may delay your student from being picked up.
Once you arrive to pick up your student, a pass will be issued to them. Students must sign out at the attendance office BEFORE leaving campus. Failure to sign out at the attendance office will result in a CUT for any missed classes. This is a safety policy that is strictly enforced and outlined in the student handbook.
It is important for students to be in class on time in order to get the most out of their education. Windemere Ranch Middle School follows the tardy policy below.
If a student has 5 or more tardies in a quarter, they will be assigned trash pick-up
If the student has 8 tardies, they will be assigned a lunch detention.
If a student has 12 tardies, an after-school detention on Friday is assigned. Your child may also be referred to the School Attendance Review Board at our District Office.
If a student has 15 tardies, a Saturday School is assigned. Your child may also be referred to the School Attendance Review Board at our District Office.
A student's absence shall be excused for the following reasons as outlined by California Ed Code 48205: (See AR 5113 for additional details)
Student illness
Medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic appointment
Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family
Observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion
Attendance at religious retreats not to exceed four hours per semester
Appearance in court
Jury duty
Attendance at an employment conference
Attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit organization
Service as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Elections Code 12302
Participation in religious exercises or to receive moral and religious instruction in accordance with district policy
BP/AR 5113 Absences and Excuses
BP/AR 5113.1 Chronic Absence and Truancy
An administrator or designee may call a parent conference for each student when the student has accumulated ten (10) full-day excused, scattered absences during the school year. After the 10th full-day excused absence, a doctor’s note will be required for each subsequent full or partial day absence for illness or physician’s appointment to mark the absence as excused. We encourage students who are experiencing ongoing health issues that impact regular attendance to reach out to the school nurse or counselor for additional support.
BP/AR 6154
When a student is absent for a legitimately excused or a justifiable personal excused absence, that student shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided. Upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time, the student shall be given full credit for assignments and tests completed. The teacher shall determine what tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the tests and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence. (Education Code 48205)
BP/AR 5113.12
Students meeting the definition for truancy begin the truancy process outlined in SRVUSD Board Policy AR 5113.1. Education Code section 48260 provides a definition for truancy:
A student who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days in one school year
A student who is tardy or absent for more than a 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year
Any combination of these (SRVUSD Infinite Campus attendance codes triggering truancy are: CUT, UNX, VTY, EDT)
Steps in the Truancy Process:
First notification letter is sent home by the school site notifying parent/guardian of the incidents of truancy.
a Second notification letter is sent home by the school site notifying parent/guardian of additional incidents of truancy. The school site will contact the parent/guardian to attend a required Student Attendance Review Team (SART) or Attendance Intervention meeting at the school to discuss concerns and collaboratively develop a plan to improve attendance. A follow-up meeting may also be scheduled to evaluate how the plan is working and make adjustments as needed.
a Third notification letter is sent home by the school site notifying parent/guardian of further incidents of truancy and that the school site will be making a referral to the District SARB panel.
a Certified letter is sent by the District SARB Coordinator indicating the date, time, and location of the SARB Hearing. Parents/Guardian and student are required to attend.
Student is referred to Juvenile Court.
The School Attendance Review Board (SARB) process was created by the State Legislature in Education Code section 48320, et seq. to promote and support the coordination of school, community, and home efforts to deal with student attendance and behavior problems. The SARB panel maximizes the use of all available resources and services, avoiding unnecessary duplication of resources to resolve attendance and behavior problems, and diverting students with school related problems from the juvenile justice system.
For more detailed information related to truancy and our district’s policies related to truancy, SART and SARB, please visit the district website.
If your child is coming to school late, please contact the attendance line or email your attendance technician.
When arriving at campus, students must go into the attendance office to sign in and receive a pass to class.
(School to customize on their own) If your student is leaving early, contact the attendance line or email. Students must pick up an early release pass PRIOR to the class they are leaving. Passes are not delivered to students, and we do not call to interrupt classes for students who leave early for an appointment. Please plan accordingly. Students must sign out at the attendance office BEFORE leaving campus. Failure to sign out at the attendance office will result in a CUT for any missed classes. This is a safety policy that is strictly enforced and outlined in the student handbook.
The easiest and most effective way to clear your child’s attendance is by calling the attendance line and leaving a message or sending an email. (Please follow chart above)
Make sure to include your student's full name, grade, dates and reason for absence
Parents/guardians have a maximum of 2 days to excuse an absence. It is preferred that you please let us know as soon as possible.
Attach a picture or any notes to the email - no need to drop paper copies.
When a student is absent from school, their parent or guardian should verify the reason for absence by explaining the reason for the absence. This is required from California Education Code Section 46012.
California Education Code is explicit in distinguishing between an excused and an unexcused absence. According to Education Code Section 48205, the following types of absences are excusable as long as parents/guardians notify the attendance office within two (2) days:
Personal illness, including absence for the benefit of the student’s mental or behavioral health. (Education Code 48205)
Quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer (Ed Code 48205)
Medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic appointment (Ed Code 48205)
Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family. (Ed Code 48205) Such absence shall be limited to one day if the service is conducted in California or three days if the service is conducted out of state. (Ed Code 48205)
Jury duty in the manner provided by law for students 18 and over. (Ed Code 48205)
Illness or medical appointment of a child to whom the student is the custodial parent. (Ed Code 48205)
Upon advance written request by the parent/guardian and the approval of the principal or designee, justifiable personal reasons including, but not limited to: (Ed Code 48205)
Appearance in court
Attendance of a funeral service
Observation of a holiday or ceremony
Attendance at religious retreats for no more than four hours per semester
Attendance at an employment conference
Attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit
Service as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Elections Code 12302 (Ed Code 48205)
To spend time with an immediate family member who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, as defined in Education Code 49701, and has been called to duty for deployment to a combat zone or a combat support position or is on leave from or has immediately returned from such deployment. (Education Code 48205) Such absence shall be granted for a period of time to be determined at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee. (Ed Code 48205)
Attendance at the student’s naturalization ceremony to become a United States citizen (Ed Code 48205)
Participation in a cultural ceremony or event which relates to the habits, practices, beliefs and traditions of a certain group of people (Ed Code 48205)
For middle school or high school students, engagement in a civic or political event, provided the student notifies the school ahead of the absence. Unless otherwise permitted by the Superintendent or designee, students shall be limited to one such school day-long absence per school year. (Ed Code 48205)
Participation in religious exercises or to receive moral and religious instruction at the student’s place of worship or other suitable place away from school property as designated by the religious group, church or denomination. (Ed Code 46014)
Absence for student participation in religious exercises or instruction shall not be considered an absence for the purpose of computing average daily attendance if the student attends at least the minimum school day as specified in AR 6112 - School Day, and is not excused from school for this purpose on more than four days per school month.
Work in the entertainment or allied industry. (Education Code 48225.5)
Work for a student who holds a work permit authorizing work in the entertainment or allied industries for a period of not more than five consecutive days. For this purpose, student absence shall be excused for a maximum of up to five absences per school year. (Education Code 48225.5)
Participation with a nonprofit performing arts organization in a performance for a public school audience. (Education Code 48225.5)
A student may be excused for up to five such absences per school year provided that the student's parent/guardian provides a written explanation of such absence to the school. (Education Code 48225.5)
Other reasons authorized at the discretion of the principal or designee based on the student's specific circumstances. (Education Code 48205, 48260)
For the purpose of the absences described above, immediate family means the student's parent/guardian, brother or sister, grandparent, or any other relative living in the student's household. (Education Code 48205)
When a student has accumulated 10 full-day excused, scattered absences in the school year as verified by methods listed in #1-3 in the District’s AR 5113 (written or verbal communication from parent/guardian or school employee making a home visit), any subsequent full or partial day absences for illness or physician’s appointment shall require physician’s verification or must be excused by method of the district's chronic illness form.
Education Code section 48260 provides a definition for truancy, which initiates the truancy process outlined in SRVUSD Board Policy AR 5113.1:
A student who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days in one school year
A student who is tardy or absent for more than a 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year
Any combination of these (Infinite Campus attendance codes triggering truancy are: CUT, UNX, VTY, EDT)
Education Code section 48262 defines habitual truancy:
A student who has been reported as a truant three or more times per school year
The school site or district staff must have made a conscientious effort to hold at least one conference with the student and their parent/guardian
Education Code section 48263 provides that habitual truants may be referred to the District’s School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Students who are hospitalized for more than 20 days qualify for a type of Independent Studies called “Home and Hospital Instruction”.
Secondary: To initiate home and hospital, they need to contact their school counselor.
Elementary: To initiate, please contact your school principal.
Please contact our Student Services Department for any questions and support (925) 552-5052.
Students should be in attendance through the last day of school, to maintain their enrollment status at their current school. Independent study contracts will not be issued the last 10 days of school.
If your child must leave school earlier than 10 school days before the last day of school and does not return before the end of the school year, your child may be subject to the following consequences:
Incomplete or lowered final grades
Review by school/district attendance review board
Unenrolled and placed on the waitlist upon re-enrollment, if space is not available.
If your student is unenrolled, there may not be a space at the current school for your student to return in the fall. In this case, your student may have to be diverted to another elementary school in the district. Middle and High school students may not be able to access their elective choices if they re-enroll upon their return.
Please note:
In accordance with California Education Codes 48205 and 48260, and District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5113, any student who misses 3 or more school days without a valid excuse, as defined by AR 5113, shall be reported as truant to the District attendance supervisor.
As you plan your summer vacation, be aware of the first day of school. Some of our schools are very full and may have wait lists.
If your child does not attend the first three days of school, your student may lose their space at your resident school site and be diverted to another school. If there is not a space at your resident school when you return, your child will be placed at the closest school based on space availability.
If you know your student will be missing the first three days, or more, of school, please email the principal and office manager/attendance staff at your student’s school site.
To request a short term pre-determined absence Independent Study Contract, a parent/guardian must submit a completed form to the Attendance Office. Click here for an Independent Study Request Form. The Independent Study program is available to students who are taking a trip for 5 or more consecutive school days (AR 6158). This program provides students with the opportunity to maintain their grades and credits for their classes.
Short-term independent study contracts (maximum of 14 days annually).
5-10 day Independent Study contract must be requested at least THREE DAYS in advance
11+ day Independent Study contract must be requested (and the principal must be contacted) at least FIVE DAYS in advance.