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Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic school year! 
Club Advisor : Ms. Gallegos

Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic school year! 
Club Advisor : Ms. Gallegos

What is CJSF?
CJSF is a statewide organization founded for the purpose of fostering high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship in the middle grades. CJSF emphasizes service to the school and the community, while creating pride in scholastic achievement.

Who is eligible for membership? Seventh and eighth grade students who qualify with the appropriate grades are eligible. Eighth graders can apply in the fall semester. They have to reapply each semester if they would like to participate in CJSF. Seventh graders will be eligible starting the 2nd semester.

When does CJSF meet?
There will be CJSF meetings either during or after school. It is solely for CJSF members. Minutes from the meeting will be posted in the Schoology group. These meetings are optional and not mandatory to attend. Information on meeting dates will be posted in the Google Classroom group. 

What are the academic requirements for CJSF?
The requirements to join CJSF is simple. Because it is a scholarship organization, 7th and 8th grade students earn points based on their grades. An "A"=3 points; "B"=1 point; and "C"=0 points. Students must earn 8 points per semester. Qualifying courses are Math, Science, English, and History. Students who have a D/F in any subject will not qualify for membership for that semester.

Why a membership fee?
There is a membership due per semester for California State affiliation. Membership dues can be paid online.

What is required for school/community service?
The CJSF requirements have changed. CJSF members will be required to do 10 hours of volunteer services. Half can be done at school and the other half must be done in the community. CJSF members can help a teacher after school, tutor, help with after school activities, help a neighbor, get involved with community projects and activities, etc. Home chores are not accepted. Hours are due on December 4 (Wednesday) and must be uploaded into the Google Drive in Google Classroom. 

The goal is for members to balance their high academic achievement with public or school service.

Volunteer Ideas: 
Websites to find volunteering opportunities:Volunteer Match Red Cross
What are the benefits of CJSF membership?
Students who qualify for 3 or more semesters will promote "With Honors". They will be accepted as an Associate Member in CSF (the high school California Scholarship Federation).

Membership brings with it the opportunity to participate in activities which benefit the school, the community, and the student. Activities may include fundraisers (t-shirt and sweatshirt sales) and service projects (tutoring, Kids Against Hunger, etc.)

When do students apply?
Eighth grade students can apply during 1st quarter.  7th graders can apply during 3rd quarter.  A copy of the previous semester report grades may be attached to the application. These are available on the parent portal. Students have a 2-week window to apply at the beginning of first and third quarter once applications are open. Late applications will not be accepted. 

How do students apply?
Students complete an application online. Paper applications will not be accepted. The student must complete this online application by the due date on the application. The CJSF Advisor analyzes the semester report card of the applicants. Membership is based on grades earned during the preceding semester. 

Once students get into CJSF, they will be added into a Google Classroom group. A welcome message will be in the classroom along with pertinent information. If you are not added in the group, and you got into CJSF, please let the club advisory know. Once again, late applications will not be accepted. 
Club Advisor: Ms. Gallegos