Clubs/Contests/After-School Sports
Clubs :
Are you interested in joining an after school club?
If you are, please refer to the table below for detailed information and see the Club Teacher - Mr. Walton for questions.
Also, all our clubs and after school sports students have to adhere to these Admin guidelines:
Being a part of the after school sports is a great opportunity for your student to extend their learning. It is important to remember that this activity is not a part of your student’s graded curriculum and work, and their participation in this activity is a very special privilege. As such, their participation in this activity is contingent upon how they meet our school community expectations. These privileges will be revoked in the case of any suspension or a Saturday School. We ask that you and your student review the WRMS Student Handbook (also located in the front of the Student Planner) and also carefully review the Responding to Discrimination and Hate Handbook, which can be found online. Remind your students that the use of discriminatory and hate language is never a joke and is not tolerated at Windemere Ranch Middle School.