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8th Gr. Information



Eighth grade Promotion Activities in May:  We would start looking for soon-to-be graduates who may want to present a speech about their time in middle school during the 8th grade promotion. Your speech should have a positive tone. Some suggestions for speech topics are:
  • your experience at WRMS;
  • how your middle school years have shaped you and your classmates as a people; or
  • how the middle school years have prepared you and your classmates for the future.
Remember, your speech should speak to everyone, not just to you and your specific group of friends.
You may be asked to submit the following:
  • Your typed, three minute speech to your teacher by a certain due date during April. 
  • Include your name and teacher’s name on your typed submission.
No late submissions will be accepted. Students will be asked to read their speech before a selection committee before school or during lunch during the first week of May.  You'll be given an audition time in May. 
If you have any questions, the teacher point of contact will be given here.